Still on the topic of water. I was having a conversation with a colleague about the merits of tap water versus mineral water. She was convinced she could taste the difference in a side by side comparison. I disagreed and said it was all in the mind, the power of marketing.
To settle this discussion I went out and bought a bottle of Evian and set up a very unscientific test. 10 glasses of water either bottled or tap for her to test.
I reasoned that testing only 2 glasses would leave too much to chance, the probability of guessing being too high at just a half.
So I set up the test, numbered the glasses and left her alone to fill out her answers on a post-it.
The results are impressive to say the least. She scored an amazing 9/10 correct. Although she did mention that there was a noticeable temperature difference in the waters so that may have given her some help.
On hearing about this another colleague said that he could also tell the difference, so he also completed the test, scoring a slightly less impressive 7/10.
What does this tell us? Well, not much since it was a tiny sample of people and equally small sample of water, but it did counter my expectations, my colleague lived up to her word.
My main issue is now having to work around a particularly smug individual!
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